As the example, we'll copy all videos stored in DCIM\Camera folder in the internal storage of Samsung Galaxy S4 to a Windows PC via Samsung Kies 3 app by using the following steps:
- Connect your phone to the computer using the provided USB cable by plugging the micro USB connector to the micro USB port in your device (it's located under the Home key) and the USB connector to a USB port on your PC. If it's the first time for you to connect your phone with the PC, your PC may need a few minutes to install the driver. By default, your phone will use MTP as the connection mode.
- When your phone has been successfully connected to your PC, launch Samsung Kies 3 app in your computer.
- Samsung Kies 3 app will connect to your phone automatically.
- In the Kies screen, click Videos located at the left side menu to view all videos stored in your phone. By default, your videos will be grouped by the date.
- When the transfer process is completed, you can disconnect your phone from Samsung Kies 3 app by clicking
in the right side of the device name in the Kies screen. Then, you can disconnect your phone from the PC by unplugging the USB cable from your phone and your PC.
- When your phone has been successfully connected to your PC, launch Samsung Kies 3 app in your computer.
- Samsung Kies 3 app will connect to your phone automatically.
- In the Kies screen, click Videos located at the left side menu. All videos in your phone, either those in the internal storage or in the SD card, will be displayed here.
- Navigate to the folder in your Windows PC where the videos you want to add to the phone are placed in.
- The selected videos will be added to your phone.
- Once the process is completed, you can disconnect your phone from Samsung Kies 3 app by clicking
in the right side of the device name in the Kies screen. Then, you can disconnect your phone from the PC by unplugging the USB cable from your phone and your PC.
- Now, you can watch the videos you have added in your phone by using the stock Video Player app or other third-party Video Player apps.
Changing of Recording Mode in Samsung Galaxy S5
- Open the stock Camera app.
- Tap Recording mode and then select from the following options:
- Normal: this option is enabled by default. Select this option if you want to record the video with normal quality.
- Limit for MMS: select this option if you want to decrease the quality of the video to allow you send the video via messaging. This mode limits the video up to 295K.
- Slow motion: select this option when you record a video of a moving object and want the device plays the video in slow motion. You can set the slow motion value to: x1/2, x1/4 or x1/8. As the example, if you choose x1/4 then the device will play the video four times slower than the actual.
- Fast motion: select this option when you record a video of a moving object and want the device plays the video in fast motion. You can set the fast motion value to: x2, x4 or x8. As the example, if you choose x4 then the device will play the video four times faster than the actual.
- Smooth motion: select this option to get a better result when you record a video of a fast moving object.
- The recording mode has been changed.
- Open the stock Camera app.
- Aim the camera to the object.
- Tap
to start recording video, or say "Record video" if you have enabled the voice command feature for recording videos, or press the Volume key if you have set the Volume key as the video-recorder key.
- Whilst recording video, you can take a photo by tapping
. Also, you can tap this icon to take more photos whilst recording video.
- Open the stock Camera app.
- Scroll the settings menu to the very bottom.
- The Volume key has been set as the video-recorder key.
- Open the stock Camera app.
- Aim the camera to the object.
- To start recording video, press the Volume Up key or the Volume Down key.
- Since there's no key that can be used to pause or resume the recording. If you want to do so, you can use the on-screen icon by tapping
to pause the recording and tapping
to resume the recording.
- To end recording video, press the Volume Up key or the Volume Down key.
- Open the stock Camera app. You can speed up the way you access the stock Camera app by enabling the camera shortcut in the lock screen.
- Scroll the settings menu to the very bottom.
- A window will pop up to show you the voice command that can be used to record videos. The default voice command to record video is "record video".
- Open the stock Camera app.
- Aim the camera to the object.
- Say "record video" to start recording the video.
- Go to Settings.
- Tap My device tab.
- Scroll down to find Motions and gestures, and then tap it.
- Swipe the ON/OFF switch next to Palm motion to the right to enable this option.
- Tap Palm motion.
- Depending on your current settings, tap the ON/OFF switch next to Mute/Pause to enable or disable this option. When the switch is on the right side or turns green means this option is enabled. When this option is enabled, you can tap this option and then tap Try it button to try this feature on the short tutorial given by this phone.
- Open the Video Player app.
- Tap the required video to play it.
- Tap the PIP (Picture in picture) view icon
to view the video in a small window. If you can't see this icon, tap the screen to view the playback controls. The player will remain on top while you're using the phone for other purposes.
- While the video player is displayed in the small window, you can do the following actions:
- Move: you can move the video window to any part of the screen by dragging it to another location.
- Zoom in or zoom out: spread two fingers apart on the video window to enlarge it or pinch the video window to reduce it.
- Pause and resume: single tap the video window to pause or resume the playback.
- Multitask: you can watch the video while using your phone for other purposes(e.g: browsing the webpages, sending text messages, etc). You can use and navigate your phone normally and the player will remain on top.
- Exit from PIP view: double tap the video window to return to the video player app.
- In the right frame of the Kies screen, click By folder tab to group your videos by the folder.
- Select a folder in your PC and then click the Select Folder button to save the selected videos to the selected folder. FYI, the more videos you transfer to your PC, the longer the time it takes to complete the transfer process.
If you'd like to watch videos or movies stored in your Windows PC directly from your Samsung Galaxy S4, you have to connect your phone with your Windows PC first and then add the required videos into your phone by using Samsung Kies 3 app.
Adding videos from a Windows computer to Samsung Galaxy S4
You can do so by using the following steps:
- Connect your phone to the computer using the provided USB cable by plugging the micro USB connector to the micro USB port in your device (it's located under the Home key) and the USB connector to a USB port on your PC. If it's the first time for you to connect your phone with the PC, your PC may need a few minutes to install the driver. By default, your phone will use MTP as the connection mode.
- Select the required videos you want to add to your phone and then Click the Open button.
By default, the stock Camera app uses normal as the recording mode. This recording mode will let you record videos with normal quality. But, if needed you can change the recording mode according to your need. You'll be provided with 5 recording modes. Since each of the recording modes has their own advantage, select the right recording mode will give you a better result.
How to change recording mode in the stock Camera app?
You can do so by using the following steps:
As a note, the feature to take photos whilst recording videos is only available in normal mode while the zoom function can only be used in normal mode, limit for MMS mode and smooth mode.
Whilst recording a video, there are some scenes that may be good if captured as photos. Luckily, the stock Camera app lets you easily take photos whilst recording the video so that you can still continue recording the video and capture the desired scenes. Since taking photos whilst recording video is a default feature, you can directly use this feature without you have to set anything first.
How to take a photo whilst recording a video in the stock Camera app?
You can do so by using the following steps:
By default, the Volume key in the stock Camera app is set as the zoom key that can be used to adjust the zoom level. But, if needed you can assign this key to other functions, one of which is as the video-recorder key. Set the Volume key as the video-recorder key will let you start and end recording videos simply by pressing the Volume Up key or the Volume Down key.
How to set the Volume key as the video-recorder key in the stock Camera app?
You can do so by using the following steps:
How to use the Volume key to record a video?
When you have set the Volume key as the video-recorder key, now you can use this key to start and end recording a video. See the following steps as the example:
For any reason, if you want to be able to start recording videos without you have to tap any on-screen video-recorder icon or press any physical button, you can alternatively do so by using the default voice command for recording video that is available in the stock Camera app. Unfortunately, there's no voice command to pause/resume/end recording videos so that you have to do so manually.
How to enable the voice command feature for recording videos in the stock Camera app?
Since this feature is not enabled by default, you have to enable this feature first before you can use it to record videos by using the following steps:
How to use voice command to record a video?
When the voice command feature for recording video has been enabled, now you can use it to start recording videos. See the following steps as the example:
Samsung has provided some motion features to their users in order to help them controlling and interacting with their phone easier and faster. One of the motion features available is the turn over to mute/pause that you can use to mute incoming calls, alarms and to pause media playback by turning over the phone so that the screen will face downward.
If you notice, there's also a motion called cover to mute/pause that has the similar function with turn over to mute/pause. You can use both of them to mute incoming calls and alarms as well as to pause the media playback. The difference is turn over to mute/pause works when you turn the device over, while cover to mute/pause works when you cover the screen with your palm. Since this option is not enabled by default, then you have to enable it first if you want to use it on your phone.
How to enable or disable cover to mute/pause feature?
Below are the steps to do so:
How to use cover to mute/pause feature?
Generally you can use this feature to mute sound or pause the playback without putting the phone into the silent mode. Here's the example:
- Muting the soundWhile your phone is playing sound for an incoming call or an alarm, cover the screen using your palm to mute the sound.
- Pausing the media playbackWhile your phone is playing video or music, on any screen, cover the screen using your palm to pause the playback. FYI, this function also works while the video is being viewed in the pop up window.
Please note that you can't use this feature to pause media playback if the screen is off or while you're using headsets. I personally prefer to use cover to mute/pause to mute sound or to pause playback than turn over to mute/pause, because this motion is simpler to be used. So, how about you? Which mute/pause motion do you like best?
Video player app is a media-related app that is available in the Samsung Galaxy SIV. You can use this app for watching all saved videos in your phone, either those you took with the phone camera or those you got/downloaded from other sources.
While you're watching a video in the video player app, you'll be given with some useful options, one of which is the picture in picture (pip) view icon that you can use to reduce the screen size and display the player in the small window so that you can use your phone for other purposes without closing the video.
How to use pop-up play?
Below are the steps to do so:
at the top right corner of the video window. If you didn't activate the auto next video option, the video window will be closed automatically once the playback is over.
By default, if you play a video in the normal view, the video will be stopped if you use your phone for other activities. But, by using the popup video player or the pip view now you can do other activities(multitask) while you're watching the video,
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